
Tunisia: Afac Launches Call for Applications for 2nd Cycle of Nacp

todayJanuary 11, 2024

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Tunis/Tunisia — The call for applications for the second cycle of the North Africa Cultural Programme (NACP) is now open, the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC) said on Monday.

“Taking the five North African countries, namely Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Libya and Morocco as primary focus, the NACP aims to strengthen independent arts and culture entities, including institutions, collectives, networks, and spaces- with an emphasis on regional partnerships, and a particular focus on engaging young audiences and extending outreach to underserved or remote areas beyond urban centers. Furthermore, NACP provides tailored capacity-building, training, and mentorship opportunities to the organisations and projects it supports within the programme.

The NACP is carried out by the AFAC, with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

The overall goal of the NACP is to strengthen intercultural dialogue, solidarity and livelihoods especially among young women and men and empower creative expression as a vehicle for change.

The first cycle of the program benefited more than 50 cultural organisations and over 2,500 practitioners and professionals, through diversified grants, training, events, and encounters that offered opportunities for networking and exchange among participants.

Deadline is set for March 5.


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Written by: jafriqradio

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