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Ethiopia: Linking Tourism, Diplomacy –

[ad_1] Land of 'thirteen months of sunshine' was the motto of the tourism sector. But after a while it was decided that given that the country is land of Lucy the most ancient human remains discovered, it was considered to be the 'cradle of mankind' and the new motto for the tourism sector became 'land of origin' because few across the world knew this fact. In the meantime, however the tourism industry did not pick up as much as expected. […]

todayJanuary 24, 2024


Ethiopia: Chartered ET Flight Denied Hargeisa Landing, CEO Says Commercial Flights ‘Unhindered’

[ad_1] A chartered Ethiopian Airlines flight destined for Hargeisa, seat of the Somaliland government, was forced to turn back without landing today as tensions between Mogadishu and Addis Ababa continue to mount. Commercial flights from Ethiopia to Somalia and Somaliland, however, are operating regularly, Mesfin Tassew, CEO of the Ethiopian Airlines Group, told The Reporter. "Chartered flights basically have to get approval every time [they fly]," Mesfin said. "They denied approval for an Ethiopian chartered flight today, but regular flights […]

todayJanuary 19, 2024


Ethiopia: Ambassadors Striving to Attract Investment, Promote Tourism

[ad_1] Addis Ababa — Ethiopian ambassadors are reportedly exerting efforts to further attract investment and promote the country's tourism potential. The ambassador stated that many investors are expressing interest in working in Ethiopia as a result of the lobbying and promotion they have been undertaking. Ethiopia's ambassador to Canada, Fitsum Arega said big and capable Canadian companies have the desire to develop and invest in exploiting gold and potash in Ethiopia. For instance, "recently one company with half a billion […]

todayJanuary 19, 2024


Ethiopia: PM Abiy Says Devt of New Destinations Are Intended to Pave Way for More Private Sector Investments

[ad_1] Addis Ababa — Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said the development of new tourism destinations in various parts of Ethiopia are intended to pave the way for more private sector investments in expanding destinations and services. The government of Ethiopia has been taking several measures to strengthen the tourism sector with a view to tapping the immense tourism potential of the nation. The sector is also one the five key pillars of the country's Homegrown Economic Reform Agenda. Several tourism […]

todayJanuary 19, 2024


Africa: Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Hammer Travels to Uganda and Ethiopia

[ad_1] HomeOffice of the SpokespersonPress Releases...Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Hammer Travels to Uganda and Ethiopia hide Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Hammer Travels to Uganda and Ethiopia U.S. Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Mike Hammer will travel to Kampala and Addis Ababa January 17-24. In Kampala, Ambassador Hammer will attend the 42nd Extraordinary Summit of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Assembly Heads of State and Government, focused on the ongoing situation between […]

todayJanuary 18, 2024


Africa: Kenya and Ethiopia Could Show the Way On Migration Governance

[ad_1] These two Horn of Africa countries are heavily affected by migration, and well placed to lead on policy responses. Migration governance in Kenya and Ethiopia has significant implications for regional stability and human rights in the Horn of Africa and in each country. In 2023, East Africa, the Horn and the Great Lakes regions hosted 16.4 million refugees and internally displaced persons, around a third of whom were in Ethiopia and Kenya. By the end of 2024, these regions […]

todayJanuary 18, 2024


Ethiopia: Wonchi-Dendi Project Model for Africa’s Eco-Tourism

[ad_1] The Wonchi-Dendi Eco-Tourism Village and Lodge Project could be regarded as an example in Africa by demonstrating and integrating the environment, culture and people's lifestyle, a noted scholar said. While attending the project's the inauguration ceremony, Prof. Alemayehu Gebremariamstated that the meticulous infrastructural addition in the natural splendor makes it Africa's model for ecotourism development. The scholar has served as a professor at California State University for many years. "I was very impressed by the lake's location and its […]

todayJanuary 16, 2024


Ethiopia: Local Efforts in Yeha Intact Cultural Heritages

[ad_1] Owing to the great commitment of the local population of Yeha, the cultural heritage site was not destroyed and the magazines remained untouched during the armed conflict, Germany's Embassy in Addis Ababa said. In a press release sent to The Ethiopian Herald, the Embassy noted that a small team from the German Archaeological Institute was able to return to their archaeological research sites in the Tigray State in October 2023, after more than three years of disruptions. The work […]

todayJanuary 16, 2024


Africa: Center’s Advice to African Nations – Follow Ethiopia’s Suit

[ad_1] African countries should follow Ethiopia's suit of exhibiting the untold history of the continent, urged the Chairperson of the Black History and Heritage Center. In exclusive interview with Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA), the Center's Chairperson Tsegaye Chemma said that the overall human history needs to be displayed the same way Ethiopia did in unveiling its116 years old diplomatic journey. Ethiopia has lots of historical treasures in which the diplomatic history is one of them, he said, noting that it […]

todayJanuary 16, 2024


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