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Menongue — One hundred and seventy-five tourists of different nationalities visited, in 2023, the Okavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Project (KAZA), from the Cuando Cubango border posts, in the country’s south-east.
Compared to 2022, there is an increase of 49 tourists, motivated by Presidential Decree No. 189/2023 of September 19, exempting and simplifying the Tourist Visa.
The “gateways” were the border posts of Katuitui, Cuangar, Calai, Mucusso (Dirico) and Rivungo, with the Republic of Namibia.
In general, according to the annual balance of the Migration and Foreigners Service (SME) of Cuando Cubango, which ANGOP had access to today, the province registered the entry of 100,494 national citizens (+62,413) and the exit of 133,089 foreigners (+87,366) on the southern border with Namibia.
As for foreigners, at the same border, the SME registered the entry of 24,233 national citizens (+16,037) as well as the exit of 21,414 foreigners (+15,071).
In regarding to the south-eastern border with Namibia, the annual migratory situation indicates that, from Cuando Cubango, 8,484 national citizens entered (+7,747) and 10,640 locals left (+10,064), as well as the entry of 3,297 foreigners and the departure of three 3,064 others (+2,996).
According to the press release, the Migration and Foreigners Service, in coordination with the Border Police, registered 30 border violations (-51), whose citizens were repatriated from the Katuitui, Cuangar and Calai posts.
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During this period, the SME notified the abandonment of the national territory of eight citizens (-5) Namibian and Zambian nationality, due to irregular stay, the administrative repatriation of 35 Namibian citizens (-46) from the Katuitui, Cuangar and Calai posts, for illegal entry and stay.
According to the report, in 2023 Angola saw, from the refugee camp of Ocire, in Namibia, and Mungo, in Zambia, the return, to the province of Bié, of 12 national citizens (-4).
Currently, 780 foreigners (+120) are under surveillance at Cuando Cubango, of which 268 have a work visa, 52 residents, 370 asylum seekers.
It should be noted that the SME in Cuando Cubango collected, for the State coffers and sum of Akz 77,785,04 (+43,324,034), resulting from fines, forms and various acts.
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Written by: jafriqradio
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